Mastering Product Strategy: A Beginner’s Guide

We often hear the term “product strategy” in business circles, but what does it truly entail? Simply put, it’s the process of defining the product or service your offering and determining its market position. While it sounds straightforward, it’s a rather complex process.

Let’s begin with understanding your target market deeply. Who are they? What do they require or desire? What problems are they facing? Once you’ve answered these questions, you can start developing a product or service that addresses their needs. But having a great product alone isn’t sufficient; you should also effectively communicate why your product is the best solution for your target audience.

This is where positioning steps in. It focuses on how you express the value of your product or service to your target market. The aim is to differentiate your offering from competitors and ensure your market understands why your product is the best fit for their needs.

A robust product strategy is crucial for businesses of all sizes, forming the cornerstone for other aspects like marketing, sales, and product development.

Why Product Strategy is important?

A well-crafted product strategy assists businesses in deciding what products to create and bring to market, how to position and price them, and how to market them to the right consumers. It accounts for the company’s goals, objectives, competitive landscape, strengths, weaknesses, available resources, and capabilities. The aim is to create a roadmap for developing and marketing products that will support the company in achieving its business objectives.

It’s important to align the product strategy with the company’s overall business strategy. Regular reviews and updates ensure the strategy stays valid and responsive to market changes and competition.

What are the key elements of a Product Strategy?

Regardless of your product or industry, every product strategy boasts three primary components:

Product / Market Vision

The product vision outlines the future state of a product your team or company wants to reach. It should start your product strategy for two reasons:

  • A clearly-defined goal helps justify your strategy.
  • A product vision should be a precise, concise statement, not a long description.

Business Goals

Set clear business, product, and strategic goals for a well-defined roadmap. Implementing KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) provides you a process to follow and helps maintain your focus.

Also, it’s vital to identify the product leaders and business strategy, which directly influence your product goals. Setting time-sensitive goals promotes urgency in achieving them.


Creating well-researched personas is beneficial, and there can be more than one persona for your product. You can generate personas using basic details like name, age, gender, etc. Understanding your target audience is a prerequisite to designing successful products.

What are the types of Product Strategies?

Creating an effective product strategy isn’t one size fits all. As a result, product strategies vary depending on factors like the product’s target market and competitive analysis. The majority of strategies fit into one of these broad categories:

Feature reduction strategy: A product that has too many features may confuse potential customers looking for it to do something specific. It might be a good idea to simplify what the product offers so it’s easier to understand.

Cost strategy: The goal of a cost strategy is to undercut the competition by developing and marketing a product that’s cheaper. When you’re developing a product under a cost strategy, you look at every part to see what you can get for less.

Differentiation strategy: Using this strategy, you’ll establish differentiators to make your product stand out. When you identify your product’s unique features early on, the sales team will be able to focus on highlighting those things in the market.

Quality strategy: Best used in luxury markets, quality strategy is the opposite of cost strategy. Developing and marketing a product that’s as high-quality as possible through superior components and processes is a quality strategy.

Product-as-a-Service strategy: A popular product strategy is turning everyday things into convenient subscriptions. Consumers will be less likely to shop around for your competitors if they can trust you to deliver.

Service strategy: 
Rather than focusing on features, a service strategy focuses on the user experience. As the product rolls out and continues its life cycle, the goal is to keep prospective customers happy and make them more likely to stick with it.

Segmentation strategy: Focus strategy, or segmentation strategy, is all about creating a niche product for a particular part of the market or making multiple variations of the same product to cater to similarly specific markets. Segmentation relies on prospective customers searching for a particular service or product.

Benefits of Product Strategy

The benefits of a strong product strategy are:

  • Goals and objectives are clear.
  • Planned responses to business risks.
  • Having a well-communicated strategy that everyone understands.
  • Time and resources aren’t wasted.
  • The strategy itself can be used to show investors your company’s strengths and future plans.
  • You can coordinate your workflows around this document if you’re doing business process management.

How to Develop a Great Product Strategy

Understanding the stages and components of a product strategy will make it easier to develop one.

You already know what you need to do; it’s just about doing it.

You’ll want to keep these things in mind, though.

Know your target audience

Startup failure is often caused by poor product-market fit. There’s a lot of companies that think they’ll figure out their strategy after their products out there. Because of that, they ship a product and measure its impact. Usually, it doesn’t work out. You can spot dozens of shipped products that are still looking for users because they weren’t built with a target audience in mind. This kind of product is usually built to solve a problem that doesn’texist.

Remember to always think about the user and their needs when making products. You need toknow what your target audience wants and needs even before you start creating anything. Having a direction for the product just makes it easier to work onother aspects to be sure that it’s going to be successful.

To understand what your potential users need, you need to incorporate user research into your product development process. Find out who your users are and what they want with field studies and user interviews. You can use this info to make personas – models of your target audience. You can use well-researched personas as a proxy for the users.

Define the problem

It’s critical to define problems in product strategy. You should design a product that solves your users’ problems. In addition to identifying the problem, you need to make sure it’s worth solving. Understanding your core motivations for building a product and evaluating your product decisions based on the value they bring to your users is important.

Establish a baseline and a target

A lot of companies define two states: current state and target state. The current state is the way the product experience is now, and the target state is the ultimate state that you want to get. A vision helps you get to your destination. 

You can map out your route by focusing on what you need to build. You can adjust your product efforts by setting goals (challenges). Analyzing, measuring, and quantifying challenges before the team gets started is essential.

Keep in touch

Regardless of how good your product design is, it won’t exist unless people know about it. Creating a product strategy requires cross-functional collaboration between design, development, marketing, and sales teams all throughout the project.

Know your ideal metrics

Measuring your progress toward a goal is just as important as setting a direction. A team needs metrics to measure performance and know if they’re on track.

Check your Objectives and Key Results. Your company’s objectives are what you want to achieve, and key results are what you’ll measure. How would numbers change? The goals should be inspiring, and the results should be measurable. 

Put the strategy into action

You need a threshold of knowledge when you build a new product. A lack of information will prevent you from establishing an ideal product strategy. It’ll be easier to create a well-defined strategy if you start with solid goals and are willing to experiment. Don’t forget to execute the strategy as planned, monitor each move, and check if the strategy is giving you good results, if not, re-strategize.

Making a productstrategy shouldn’t be a mistake if you follow the tips above.

Be Consistent with Your Product Strategy

Streamlining your product strategy is the nextstep after developing one. Work with the product marketing manager, the marketing teams, and other stakeholders to improve it.

Consistency wins here. The stages and components of your product strategy can’t be changed on the fly, so understanding them ahead of time is crucial. Then figure out the product’s overall strategy.

Once that’s done, you can focus on making minor adjustments. And lastly, make sure your product strategy is customer and solution oriented.


Without clarity in your product strategy, it becomes one step forward, three steps back. A poor product strategy results in wasted time and resources while trying to enhance user experience. During planning, allow time for brainstorming and tweaking your approach to maintain consistency in your long-term vision.

Your product design project should first define the experience you want customers to have. Your product strategy’s goal should provide your clients with a great user experience and relevant features.

Creating an effective and comprehensive strategy requires serious effort. However, if executed diligently, it leads to a successful product launch.

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